Guidance on finding a solicitor

Can EVC Recommend a Solicitor? No, but we can tell you where to go to find solicitors local to you.

National Free Wills Network : (lists of solicitors in your area) 0845 020 4309 or e mail: You can fill out a form on their website outlining the help you need.

Will Aid for lists of solicitors in your area. 0300 0309 558 or email: You can fill out a form on their website requesting details of solicitors local to you.
Lawyers Christian Fellowship: 0207 407 6157 or 07495 966480 You can complete a form on their website outlining the help
you need.

Goodwill Partnership: Is said to be a good value, low cost, free home consultation service. 0844 669 6148, or text Goodwill to 60777. You can fill out a form on their website outlining the help you need.

Remember a Charity: 0207 840 1030. You can fill out a form on their website outlining the help you need.

The Law Society for England and Wales: 7.242.1222 Search button “ Find a Solicitor “ on their website helps you find solicitors near you.

Scotland Law Society: 0131 226 7411, e mail:,

Northern Ireland: : 028 9023 1614. You can fill out a form on their website outlining the help you need.

Keep your Will in a safe place, for example with your solicitor or bank and, keep a number of copies including one for the Executor(s) of your Will.
Usually people have two Executors. They carry out your instructions based upon your Will.

More Information

Why do I need a will?

Why do I need a will?

To ensure your estate (everything that you own) is distributed in the way you wish it to be done.


Leaving a gift to EVC Uganda in your Will

Leaving a gift to EVC Uganda in your Will

EVC works hard to ensure your money is well spent and used cost effectively, in order to provide a future through education for some of the poorest children in the world. Leaving such a gift will also be a lasting legacy to you.


Guidance on finding a solicitor

Guidance on finding a solicitor

We strongly advise you to use a fully qualified professional solicitor and can direct you as to how to find local solicitors in your area.


Implications for Inheritance Tax

Implications for Inheritance Tax

Leaving money to a charity provides advantages relating to Inheritance Tax.